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BeFrugal is the BEST cash back site I've ever used. BeFrugal always seems to offer a higher cash back on many sites and have a GREAT customer service team that has never let me down! Thank you BeFrugal!!
- Debbie V.
Fantastic cash back on all purchases! Absolutely love BeFrugal. Used for many years and never a bad experience. Thank you BeFrugal!!!
- Diana M.
LOVE getting cash back on things you are already going to buy! Easy to redeem to Zelle straight into your checking account every 15 days. Everybody should be doing this! Free money!! Awesome!!! LOVE your service!
- Julie
By far the best shop & save app ever! Awesome "deals" section and some of the highest cashback rates! Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself!
- Jarod B.
BeFrugal is the BEST cash back site I've ever used. BeFrugal always seems to offer a higher cash back on many sites and have a GREAT customer service team that has never let me down! Thank you BeFrugal!!
- Debbie V.
Fantastic cash back on all purchases! Absolutely love BeFrugal. Used for many years and never a bad experience. Thank you BeFrugal!!!
- Diana M.
LOVE getting cash back on things you are already going to buy! Easy to redeem to Zelle straight into your checking account every 15 days. Everybody should be doing this! Free money!! Awesome!!! LOVE your service!
- Julie
By far the best shop & save app ever! Awesome "deals" section and some of the highest cashback rates! Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself!
- Jarod B.
BeFrugal is the BEST cash back site I've ever used. BeFrugal always seems to offer a higher cash back on many sites and have a GREAT customer service team that has never let me down! Thank you BeFrugal!!
- Debbie V.
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You get paid when and how you want. No minimum to get paid, no waiting 3 months between payments.
No, BeFrugal is completely free to join and use. There are no hidden fees or subscriptions - just sign up, shop through BeFrugal, and earn Cash Back on your purchases.
It's simple! BeFrugal partners with over 5,000 retailers who pay us a commission when you shop through our site. We share that commission with you as Cash Back. Here's how:
1. Join BeFrugal for free
2. Find a store you love and click the link to shop
3. Shop as usual on the retailer's website
4. Cash Back is automatically added to your BeFrugal account within 7 days
Retailers pay us to drive sales to their stores. Every time you make a purchase through BeFrugal, we earn a commission from the retailer. We share this commission with you in the form of Cash Back. The more people we bring to a store, the better Cash Back rates BeFrugal can negotiate. It's a win-win!
Your Cash Back typically becomes available within 15 to 90 days of your purchase. This timeline ensures returns and cancellations are accounted for, so you can receive Cash Back with confidence. We provide you with an estimated payout date to let you know approximately when most sales will become payable.