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From coupon books to online coupon finders, this local Digest page brings you the big and little savings times and times again. Coupon Books | | | 

 | | | Coupon Books: Coupons from Coupon-Cash SaverSince 1984, the Coupon-Cash Saver convenient booklets have been mailed to
homes in the Northwest suburbs. Now you can see what coupons are available online.
Note that many businesses only accept the coupons from the booklets, not
the printed versions. -- From Coupon-Cash Saver Last update: 05/23/13 | 

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 | | | Coupon Books: Chicago Metro Deals from Val-PakMonths in, months out, Chicagoland residents receive the reliable Val-Pak blue envelops
of local savings. Go online for convenient search or download the
mobile app. -- From VALPAK Last update: 05/23/13 | 

 | | | Coupon Books: Coupons from SAVE On EverythingThe full-color magazine showing local deals and promotions is send to homes throughout the Chicagoland area. -- From SAVE On Everything | 

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 | | | Coupon Books: Grocery, Health and Household CouponsThe SmartSource coupon magazine is inserted in many local newspapers. Many coupons can be printed online. -- From SmartSource Last update: 05/23/13 | 

 | | Coupon Finders | | Coupon Finders: Groceries Coupons and moreThese sites are strong for groceries, health and household coupons.that you can print and redeem at your local
grocery stores.
- Cents Off Coupons - online codes, printable coupons, local deals, product deals, sale flyers
- CoolSavings - groceries, daily deals, free stuff, price comparison
- Coupon Clippers - grocery paper coupons, printable coupons, coupon tracker
Last update: 05/23/13 | 

 | | | Coupon Finders: Online Coupon CodesThese sites aggregate deals from online merchants, and national merchants whom you can find
at your local shopping malls:
Last update: 05/23/13 | 

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