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  Channel Home » Farms:Last update: 12/29/14

Find Christmas Trees

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O Christmas season! O the warm smell of pies in the oven! O the fresh scent of a live Christmas tree. Where can you find the perfect tree for your memories and ornaments?

Cut Your Own Tree

On any year, the number of farms that offer cut-it-yourself Christmas trees changes. Please call ahead to make sure that the farm (still) offers trees for this year. Go early to find the perfect tree for your home. Will it be a pine (Scotch. White, Red), a fir (Canaan, Concolor, Douglas and Frasier) or a spruce (Serbian, Blue, Norway, White)? Know their differences.

All distances are from Chicago.

38 mi: Abbey Farms: 120 acres of trees -- Aurora, IL
46 mi: Lee's Trees: Pines, firs and spruces -- Lily Lake, IL
50 mi: Pine*Apple Acres: Pines, spruces, firs -- Huntley, IL
54 mi: Gengel Tree Farm: Balsam and Fraser firs -- Lake Villa, IL
55 mi: Sullivan Family Tree Farm: Pines, spruces -- Lake Villa, IL
64 mi: Kuipers Family Farm: firs, pines -- Maple Park, IL

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Buy a Pre-Cut Tree

The pre-cut trees are usually cheaper than the ones you cut yourself. They may not be the freshest (they may be hauled from tree farms in Wisconsin or Michigan), but they sure are the better-looking ones.
Also use the National Christmas Tree Association Find A Christmas Tree Near You.
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moreChannels: Home, Family, Entertainment, Animals
moreSearches: Search-The-Web
moreDigests: Find an orchard, Find winter lights
moreFor Business: Register your Christmas tree business with the Vibary Network

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