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  VIP Members

For current VIP Members:

Find your presence on this site, the Vibary Network for consumers.

  Enter your VIP Username

Sweepey's Note
Hi, my name is SweepeyDon't confuse

your VIP "business" account
with your Vibary "consumer" membership

You get your VIP account at the Vibary Network for Business, which is a separate web site designed for business. On the other hand, you get your Vibary membership at this web site, the Vibary Network for consumers, for your personal usage.

Reach Out To Local Consumers

To Business Owner / Manager:

>  Register Your Business
CLICK HERE here to register your business at the Vibary Network for Business.

You are currently at the Vibary Network for consumers. We invite you to step over to the Vibary Network for Business, a separate web site designed for local businesses, where you can register your business for FREE, and use our complimentary or low-cost Vibary Services to reach out to local consumers via online listings.

The registration is free and you can cancel any time. There is no obligation to purchase our low-cost Vibary services in order to use our free complimentary Vibary services. There are no hidden fees. We won't ask you for any payment information (such as credit card) unless you start to order our low-cost Vibary services. Non-public information you provide us as part of your registration (such as contact information) is protected by our privacy policy. You will not be spammed by third-party vendors unless you choose to opt in to receive such advertisements.

Once registered, you will be given a VIP account. VIP stands for "Vibary Information Provider". Using your VIP account, you sign in to the Vibary Network for Business to create and manage your online listings. These listings are shown on the Vibary Network (this site) for viewing by local consumers.

>  Current Opportunities
Most pages on the Vibary Network have opportunities for business to reach out to local online users.The page you just visited contains the following Vibary Service opportunities:

    See all Vibary Services