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Your username is your membership identification on the Vibary Network. If you only use the Vibary Network as a guest, then you do not need to apply for membership and provide a username; however, you will miss the benefits of being a member.


  • When you apply for a Vibary membership, you need to provide a username that is unique on the Vibary Network.
  • Once you have your Vibary membership, you need to use your username to login to the My Vibary side of the Vibary Network to access your personalized pages.
  • Pages on the public side of the Vibary Network that refer to your presence will contain your username, either visually or inconspicuously embedded in the displayed links.
  • As a member, you will have an automatic "about me" member page accessible to all users, that shows your username and other information that you want to reveal to the public.
  • You can give your username to others to sign up for membership, and earn the Referring Member reward.


  1. Your username must be of length between 6 to 16 characters.
  2. Only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) are accepted. Special, symbol and punctuation characters will be rejected.
  3. Capitalization does not matter. Variations of your username, written in all upper case, all lower case, or a mix of the two, are the same.


  • Do not create a controversial username.
    Your username is fixed. Once created, you cannot rename it nor move the benefits accrued under this username to a new username. We reserve the right to close your membership account if a substantial number of users object to your username.
  • Do not create a variation of your email address.
    Although actual email addresses, such as no_body@vibary.net, are rejected due to the use of the special characters _, @ and ., usernames derived from email addresses, such as nobodyVIBARYNET, while technically acceptable, are not recommended. Your username will be shown on the public side of the Vibary Network, and you may not want people to guess your email address from your username, potentially opening up your email inbox to spam.
  • Be aware of the risk of re-using a username.
    Although it is convenient to re-use a username that you have already used at other web sites, be aware that if one site is hacked, the hackers can use your username to attempt to login to the other sites to access additional personal information. The worst case is when one re-uses both a username and a password. We recommend a unique username for the Vibary Network.
  • Be patient when creating the unique username.
    Your username identifies you on the Vibary Network, and therefore must be unique. If your username of choice has been taken, you have to try a different one. This may take several iterations, especially if you join the Vibary Network after it has been established for some time.

    NOTE: Each metropolitan area Vibary Network maintains its own set of usernames. You can re-use the username you set up for the Vibary Network for another Vibary Network, for example if you divide your living between two or more metropolitan areas. Please be aware of the risk of re-using a username as stated above.

  • Be conscious about embedding your real name in your username.
    As your username can be seen by any user visiting the Vibary Network, you make the decision to use a variation of your real name when creating your username or not.

    NOTE: If you want to publish on the Vibary Network, you will need to upgrade your standard Personal membership level to the Community membership level. As part of the upgrade, you are required to provide a real name to accept responsibility of your postings to the community. However this real name will be shown only to other Vibary members, and not to the general public. Vibary members can access both your username and real name, but the general public can only see your username.