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The password you set up during registration protects your Vibary membership from un-authorized access.


  • As a Vibary member, you need to use your username to login to the My Vibary side of the Vibary Network to access your personalized pages.
  • If you later need to change the e-mail address associated with your Vibary membership, you will be prompted to re-enter the password.


  1. Your password must have 8 characters minimum. You can enter up to 128 characters.
  2. Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and punctuation characters are accepted.
  3. Capitalization matters. Variations of your password, written in all upper case, all lower case, or a mix of the two, are not the same. Only the password exactly as you enter, can result in a match.


  • Create a good password.
    Please check our Password Guidelines for some recommendation.
  • Create a unique password for the Vibary Network.
    Currently the Vibary Network does not use the single sign-on (SSO) features offered by major Web companies such as Google, Facebook or Apple, and may never do so. The SSO features may be convenient, and are used by thousands of web sites. If one of these web sites does not implement SSO correctly, your credential may be compromised, opening your accounts in the other web sites to unauthorized access. Your Vibary membership account is between you and the Vibary Network, and we prefer to keep it that way, without any third-party standing in between.

    NOTE: Do not re-use your Vibary membership password for other sites, and vice-versa.

  • Do not expect us to recover your forgotten password.
    The password you enter goes through a one-way encryption process which does not give us the capability to decrypt. (When you sign in, the password you supply will be one-way encrypted the same way and the result is compared with the encrypted password we have in your record.) If you forget your password, you have to request a new password.