Vibary Services
Legal Notices
The password you set up during registration protects your Vibary membership
from un-authorized access.
- As a Vibary member, you need to use your username to login to the
My Vibary side of the Vibary Network to access your personalized pages.
- If you later need to change the e-mail address associated with your Vibary membership,
you will be prompted to re-enter the password.
- Your password must have 8 characters minimum.
You can enter up to 128 characters.
- Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and punctuation characters are accepted.
- Capitalization matters. Variations of your password, written in all upper case, all lower case,
or a mix of the two, are not the same. Only the password exactly as you enter, can result in a match.